Hello All,
Linda (Mom) is home again! She came home Monday afternoon, and has taken it very easy for a couple of days. It appears that the balancing act between the post-op swelling and the elevated blood pressure has stabilized. She is experiencing no pain, and her blood pressure is much more stable. She has enjoyed getting to sleep through the night without being interrupted by the nurses every two hours.
We are narrowing our search for the very best treatment options. We are contacting the top cancer clinics in the nation to find the best second opinion and treatment options for her continued care.
I took today's pictures this morning on my way out the door. She was on her laptop and on a conference call for work. I guess a week off work after brain surgery, two nights in ICU, one visit to the ER, and 4 nights in a regular hospital room is enough "vacation!" Seriously, she has been cleared to work from home, and is enjoying getting back to a semblance of a daily routine.
I have heard that some people are having difficulty posting replies or comments to this blog. I will look into this. In the meantime, please send your comments to Linda via email at derek.linda@sbcglobal.net. Along with her customary cup of tea and toast, Mom enjoys spending part of her morning reading emails from friends.
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